Welcome to the Zi Dobre Family — ZiDobré

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De lunes a viernes, de 9 a. M. A 5 p. M.


1895 Lakeshore Dr Weston, FL 33326

1895 Lakeshore Dr Weston, FL 33326

De lunes a viernes, de 9 a. M. A 5 p. M.

Welcome to the Zi Dobre Family
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Welcome to the Zi Dobre Family

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Our clients and their stories are priceless.  The great reward is knowing you touched the lives of others in a positive way.  Our products are designed to improve the way you look, and give you back the confidence to take on the world.  These are a few examples...

 Adriana Zi Dobre CO Founder


Flawless at 52, Adriana's story is remarkable.  As our Co-Founder she has a true passion for skincare.  Adriana was the first person to try our Clear Grape Seed Powder in the US.  She began to see a transformation in here figure, and skin tone.  Adriana is also an inventor, creating some of the most unique and effective skin care products available.  It was her development of our patent pending Vinotherapy Skin Care Protocol that helped her overcome her struggle with Hyperpigmentation.  See the article below describing her journey.


Andrej For ZI Dobre Family


Without Andrej, none of this would be possible.  Providing and protecting for his family define his mission.  We met Slovakia at his farm & wine garden in Zlate Morvace Slovakia.  While working as an international wine judge, he discovered the world of polyphenols and our precious grape seed powder.  Andrej has seen impressive results personally and in many of his clients.  From improved Cardiovascular Health to debilitating skin conditions, the stories are truly inspiring.   


Victoria Zi Dobre Family


Family is everything to Victoria.  Personally and professionally she has been an absolute angel in every way.  She was one of the first people to give our products a try.  As founder of Flow Spa Key West she has over 20 years experience as a licensed Esthetician.  We really value her expertise and guidance developing our brand. 

For more information about the services provided at Flow Spa Key West visit https://flowspakeywest.com/



Friends like Eric are fruit for the soul.  He opened his home to me when I needed a refuge.  Eric is a barber and entrepreneur.  He runs several location in Key West & Stock Island.  His connection with clients and experience in hair and skin conditions is extensive.  Eric suffers from Eczema and his search for all natural cures led him to trying the Glow Facial Oil which provided immediate relief from the constant irritation and greatly reduced the time of flare ups.  

For more information on Eric's Establishments check out: @thebeardsandbrews / @addisonsbarderparlor 

Mellisa for ZD StoryMelissa

Is beautiful inside and out. Melissa works in the construction industry and is co founder of Platter Up Buttercup and has a very personal connection to Zi Dobre.  She was one of our first candidates to try out the Vinotherapy Treatment.   

Zi Dobre has been absolutely life changing. The oil has been a life saver as I do suffer from acne prone skin. My skin has experienced a lot of change in the few months I have been applying the glow oil. My acne bumps have diminished and my skin is glowing more than ever.

I also recommend that the power! It’s boosts your immune system and gives you energy, perfect for a busy day! Thank you Zi Dobre for introducing these amazing products.”

For more information on her brand check out @platterupbuttercupboca


Frank For ZI Dobre Family


Frank and I go back 30 years.  He was another brave soul that agreed to try our grape seed powder when we imported our first shipment.  Frank began to see increased energy, and a healthy way to improve weight management.  We cannot take all the credit to Frank’s transparency.  Results like this take a healthy diet and exercise as well.  The grape seed powder has been proven to improve cardiovascular performance during work outs.  


Alexxy ZD StoryAlexis 

Is something special...  If you get the pleasure to spend time together you can bet your face will be sore from laughing so much.  Gorgeous and intelligent are a few of her qualities.  She has worked in the medical field with her family for a long time.  She is also an entrepreneur, as the co founder of Platter Up Buttercup she has a talent developing her brand.

Alexis Quote  

Zi Dobre Logo Brand Story 

A little story describing our Journey 
