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Learn more about the health benefits of our plant based nutritional supplements made from the skin and seeds of the grape.
Looking for all natural and effective products to add to your skin care routine? We believe you will fall in love with our ingredients, and the results they provide.

Blog posts

17 Aug, 2022
Hyperpigmentation Treatment
Adriana, ZiDobre's first client and co-founder, shares her story. From feeling ashamed about her skin to now being the confident woman she is. Adriana is a token of hope. She is proof that we can transform our lives if we take the initiative to do so. She found hope in grapeseed, and we hope you will too!
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21 Nov, 2021
University of Nitra Agro Bio Tech Blood Study
An important aspect of consuming a nutritional supplement is also an increase in the concentration of platelets (platelets), indicating better blood clotting. From the results we can believe that regular use of the nutritional supplement ŽI Polyphenols has positive effects on the blood count, ensuring better use of oxygen and higher protection of the body against possible infections and injuries.
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