Success Stories
At Zi Dobré we have a heart for helping others, and we are in search of someone in the medical profession that shares the same values. Recently our products have been successful in providing amazing results for a wide range of skin and health conditions. Would you consider being a champion to those dealing with skin issues? Conditions like acne, eczema, hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, and rosacea can have devastating effects on a person's self confidence and state of mind.
Our research has concluded that sensitive skin types are adversely affected by chemical compounds and fragrances. Also certain solutions used in the extraction process of certain compositions can lead to irritation, compounding issues relating to the treatment of the skin conditions. Our approach focuses on all natural sources to remedy these skin conditions.
We believe so strongly in the effectiveness of our products and we just ask that you consider giving us an opportunity to cure some of your patients which have been struggling, and need an all natural alternative. All we ask is that you take a minute to see some of our success stories below, and if interested reach out to request some free samples so you can see with your own eyes the power of the grape seed.
These are the before and after shots after using the grape seed oil for 6 weeks. Our client had given up on prescribed medicine after terrible side effects and nightmares.
Teenage Acne
After two weeks applying the our grape seed oil, and taking the grape seed powder daily, these are the results after two weeks. Some medications are designed to dry out the skin. We believe the ability to penetrate and moisturize can be more effective.
At age three this child was having regular breakouts. His pediatrician had suggested several options which proved to be ineffective and keep him up at night in tears caused by the irritation.
These are some of our most impressive cases. Some other clients have seen dramatic improvements from age spots, wound discoloration, reduction in fine lines, and scalp irritation & redness resulting from dandruff.
For more info please check the links below:
Beauty Boss Article Featuring Adriana Christe
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